
Insurance Details

Activities considered to be a normal part of the Ringette season, and therefore not requiring special event sanctioning, are:

  • Sanctioned Games

  • On-ice Practices

  • Evaluations

 A copy of the Certificate of Insurance can be located here: SPORT004 (

Program extensions and special events such as dry land training camps, exhibition games and fundraising all require separate specific sanctioning or approval. It is understood that during annual programming that some team, association, and league activities can fall outside what is normal programming. These kinds of activities usually occur away from the arena venue and in the surrounding community where opportunities exist to enhance the programs offered to our teams. In these cases, an Additional Insurance Request Form must be submitted to Ringette Ontario for approval and an additional insurance certificate will be issued.

Ringette_Ontario_Insurance_Guidelines.pdf (


If you require additional insurance coverage for an additional event, please download the form above, fill in all sections and return to

We will then forward your claim to our insurance provider.  Do not file directly with our provider.

Additional Insurance Request Form -2024-25.DOC (

Sample Request Form


Injured During a Sanctioned Event?

All registered players, bench staff, executive and officials of RO, in good standing with the association, are eligible for this coverage.

If you sustain an injury complete the injury report form found here: Injury Report Form

All injuries must be reported within 10 days of initial accident.

If you need to file a Sport Accident Claim, please download the form, fill in all sections and

Submit directly to BFL.  Sport Accident Claim Form


FAQS Regarding Coverage

What coverage is provided to us through Ringette Ontario?

Who is covered?

  • All members and associations, including, but not limited to, executives, managers, coaches, trainers, officials, volunteers, and participants.

Our teams would like to have a parent vs child game for their year-end party. Are we covered?

  • Family members are not registered members of Ringette Ontario, therefore, are not covered by insurance.  Unfortunately, Ringette Ontario is unable to sanction events with a mix of insured and uninsured players.  Insurance becomes void for our insured players if there are uninsured family members participating.

All participants should be notified if the team decides to obtain 3rd party insurance through the facility and injury/liability related to these games are not insured by Ringette Ontario.

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