2024-25 TRF Adjustment Form (Athletes)

Player TRF Adjustment Form

This process is not intended to build a team's calibre, but to maintain a team's minimum roster size and to avoid any last-minute cancellations that may result in expenses to the Host or team.

Substitution Rules: Player Substitutions for Invitational Tournaments

Approvals: All substitutions for tournament play must be approved by Ringette Ontario Program Coordinators a minimum of 48 hours prior to the tournament beginning. In case of emergency, the RO Program Coordinators can approve during the tournament.

18+ A/AA/University

  • 18+ A/AA/University registered players may substitute in two (2) tournaments per season.
  • Up to four (4) substitute players in total per tournament with a maximum of two (2) lateral player substitutions.
    • Can choose either:
      • same age division or lower, same calibre or less
      • One calibre higher only, one age division lower

U19AA and Below

  • U19AA & Below registered players may substitute in only one (1) tournament per season.
  • Up to four (4) substitute players in total per tournament with a maximum of two (2) lateral player substitutions.
    • Can choose either:
      • same age division or lower, same calibre or less
      • one calibre higher only, one age division lower


18+BB. B, CC, C, Dev - please use this form: 18+BB, B, CC, C, Dev TRF Adjustment Form


- Each substitute must replace a player on the TRF - The team roster cannot increase in size due to substitutes

- Substitutions to a maximum of twelve (12) skaters

- Requests for substitutions must be made at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the officials opening of the tournament. Requests made less than forty-eight (48) hours prior to or during the tournament will only be granted for medical or extenuating circumstances

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